A Fiscally Prudent Option for the Surplus

How to put the state budget in the best position for 2023-2025 With the unexpected good news Tuesday of an additional $4.4 billion in tax revenue, the legislature and the governor have the opportunity to accomplish priorities that were often thought to be unrealistic:...

No Budget Hole, But a Whole New Budget

Thursday’s Wisconsin State Journal article, “GOP plan would dig $3.4 billion hole to start off budget discussions,” is a misleading and disingenuous portrayal of the budget debate and state finances.  Here’s why. The premise of the article is that by...

Refund the federal dollars back to Wisconsin taxpayers

On Tuesday, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), rightfully, demanded that Governor Tony Evers give the legislature a say on how the $3.4 billion in new federal stimulus funds will be spent by the state of Wisconsin. A bill passed the Senate (SB 183)...

Legislature Should Hit the Pause Button

Demand state agencies re-invent themselves, re-assess footprint In the last 12 months, COVID and economic shut downs have forced businesses to re-invent themselves, shrinking their physical footprint and becoming more agile – all while having to offer a high quality...