Johnson to Hold Hearings on Russia Election
(from the 4/1 News Service)

(Note: This first appeared in the Life, Under Construction newsletter from April 1, 2024. The newsletter is published every Monday and Thursday. To become a subscriber, click the button below.)


Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations will be holding hearings on the efficiency of the recent Russian elections, the senator announced in a press release on April 1.

“We saw in the Russian elections a model of efficiency, accuracy and integrity,” Johnson said in a statement. “The election results were undisputable. President Vladimir Putin easily won re-election and his domestic critics have been mostly silent about the election, and everything else.”

Johnson also said that outside criticism of Russia’s election, including allegations of fraud and ballot box stuffing, were similar to outside actors trying to influence elections in Wisconsin.

“The largest complaints of ballot box stuffing we have seen come from the same kind of Communist-Marxist-Socialist-Liberals in the Obama administration who spread the false collusion with Russia hoax here in the United States,” Johnson said.

“I was particularly impressed by Russian efforts to protect election integrity in those occupied areas of Ukraine by having soldiers with rifles make sure the local residents filled out their ballots correctly,” Johnson said. “If we had that kind of honest election administration in the United States, with soldiers watching people fill out their ballots, Donald Trump would have won the election in 2020.”

Johnson said he’ll be leading a delegation of Republican senators to Moscow on May Day. “What better way to learn more about Russia’s patriotism than to be there with Putin on their biggest holiday?” Johnson asked.

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