Yep, it’s cold outside, but RightWisconsin Editor James Wigderson and WTMJ-AM’s Steve Scaffidi did manage to squeeze some politics into the discussion. Will Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s cold shoulder thaw on the wall, or will President Donald Trump’s border security agenda be left out in the cold?

Are we getting to the end of Mueller investigation of Trump’s campaign, or will the Cold War of the Russia investigation continue to blow a cold breeze through the White House? And was there a bad outbreak of Russian measles in the Trump campaign?

Roger Stone was arrested. Is Trump reading a biography of President Warren G. Harding and thinking, “my damn friends, my god-damned friends.” Is Stone the Creature from the Black Lagoon?

Finally, does Governor Tony Evers really believe it when he says he didn’t really say what everybody heard he said? Is he just over his head, is he just a bad politician, or is he just a liar? What will happen with the Obamacare lawsuit? And does Evers have Attorney General Josh Kaul’s phone number?

Bonus: Next week is Open Enrollment. Why did the Wigderson family choose school choice?

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