State Sen. Leah Vukmir (R-Brookfield) called for an end to the attacks on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and for a vote on his nomination.

“Democrats need to stop the political posturing, and hold a vote this week on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination,” Vukmir said in a statement released by the campaign on Monday.

Vukmir is running against Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) in the November election. Vukmir’s call for a vote follows the news of a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, accusing Kavanaugh with behaving inappropriately towards women, this time allegedly exposing himself to her at a party while he was a student at Yale. However, like the accusation by Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school, there has been no corroboration of the charges.

Kavanaugh was also accused of participating in “gang rapes” by Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Stormy Daniels, the porn star who allegedly had an affair with President Donald Trump and received a payoff shortly before the election in 2016. Avenatti has not provided any evidence to back up his claims.

The lack of evidence from Kavanaugh’s accusers has not stopped Baldwin from calling for a delay in the vote on Kavanaugh and a re-opening of the FBI background check.

“I still don’t understand why the White House has refused to reopen the background investigation, but now that there are more allegations,” Baldwin said at a press conference, according to the Associated Press. “It seems like the call should be stronger than ever to reopen that.”

Baldwin, of course, announced her opposition to the Kavanaugh nomination within days of it being announced without even meeting with the Supreme Court nominee. Baldwin has since said she would be willing to meet with Kavanaugh after being criticized by Vukmir.

A fundraiser for Baldwin with the attorneys for Ford was canceled after CNN contacted her campaign about it.

Vukmir called the media reporting of the allegations against Kavanaugh, “irresponsible.”

“On the heels of Senator Baldwin not having the time to meet with Judge Kavanaugh, yet having time for a fundraiser with Dr. Ford’s lawyers, we now have additional uncorroborated attacks on Judge Kavanaugh being irresponsibly published by the Fake News media,” Vukmir said. “Michael Avenatti, presidential aspirant of Stormy Daniels fame, has decided he also wants to join the Democrat delay circus and what has become clear is that the Far Left is engaged in an all-out, no-holds-barred, last-minute character assassination, rather than responsibly vetting and filling a seat on the Supreme Court.”

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