A Fiscally Prudent Option for the Surplus

How to put the state budget in the best position for 2023-2025 With the unexpected good news Tuesday of an additional $4.4 billion in tax revenue, the legislature and the governor have the opportunity to accomplish priorities that were often thought to be unrealistic:...

Evers Announces He’s Running for Re-election

In case you were doing something important this weekend like getting a pedicure, enjoying the warm weather, watching an old movie, going to a bar to watch the Milwaukee Bucks, or getting your back-hair waxed, Governor Tony Evers announced at a “virtual”...

The Arsenal of Democracy

“It had been the work not of war, but of justice.” That’s how A.J. Baime described the pacifist Henry Ford’s realization, upon seeing footage from within the concentration camps of defeated Nazi Germany, that retooling his company for war was the right move. The Ford...