December 5, 2017

Contact: Lisa Manna, 262-290-3343


The Outside the Bubble Interview


TDA’s Craig Thompson talks about transportation, life as a public affairs professional

[BROOKFIELD, WISC…] In the wake of legislative inaction in Madison, the overall condition of Wisconsin’s roads won’t improve over the next two years, says Craig Thompson in the latest episode of “Outside the Bubble.”

“To me it’s one of the most simple problems to solve,” said Thompson, executive director of the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin.”This isn’t healthcare, this isn’t one of these complex problems. Our neighboring states and many states across the country have said you simply have to adjust the user fee. Whether it’s the gas tax or the registration fee when you get your sticker on the license plate or a combination of both.”

Thompson notes that so-called “Red” states across the country — states under Republican control like Georgia, Indiana and South Carolina — have seen the value in making sure transportation needs are adequately funded.  Moreover, he notes, there has not been voter backlash against lawmakers who vote to make sure user-fees keep up with overall transportation infrastructure needs.

The Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin is a statewide alliance of more than 400 transportation stakeholders committed to a strong transportation network that will support a robust economy and enhance the quality of life in Wisconsin.

In the interview, Thompson also describes his career path over the past 25 years and the role government affairs professionals play in the legislative process.

Thompson is a veteran legislative and policy analyst with more than a quarter century of experience working with Wisconsin businesses, communities, and government. He is a past legislative director for the Wisconsin Counties Association and has been appointed to numerous boards and committees by Wisconsin governors Tommy Thompson, Scott McCallum, Jim Doyle and Scott Walker. Thompson is a native of Racine and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Edge Messaging President Brian Fraley is the host of Outside the Bubble, a new web-based public affairs show. Edge Messaging is a strategic communications and public relations consultancy with offices and production facilities in Brookfield.

To watch the latest episode featuring Craig Thompson, follow this link:
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