As 2017 closes and we enter into another election year, we will likely hear much about candidates claiming the mantle of Ronald Reagan.

To those who have not made up their mind on who is better suited to take on Tammy Baldwin and the swamp of Washington, D.C., in the U.S. Senate, I urge consideration of three of Reagan’s greatest words: “Trust, but verify.”

State Senator Dave Craig (R-Town of Vernon)

For my wife Amy and me, the Wisconsin Senate race is about the future for our six kids, and a sense of urgency in getting our problems in Washington fixed so that our kids are not shouldered with the consequences of the irresponsible actions of generations past. This race is about making sure we send a senator to Washington that does the right thing in public on the Senate floor, but more importantly, is passionately advocating for limited government, the right to live for the unborn, and for getting the crushing federal debt off of our backs and the backs of our children when the caucus doors close.

I know Leah Vukmir will vote the right way on the Senate floor because I have seen her do it. I know that Leah Vukmir will passionately argue for conservative ideals when TV cameras are off, because I have seen her do it. And I know that Leah Vukmir will fight big government policies brought forward not only from Democrats but from other Republicans as well, because I have seen her do that, time and time again.

The challenges our nation faces are great. Wisconsin needs to send a verified conservative to argue for constitutional reforms in Washington and to help President Trump restore the appropriate balance of state and federal power. We must send a senator who we can be sure will fight for smaller government. And we must send a senator who will only confirm federal judges and justices who respect the text of our Constitution and the meaning of those words to the Framers.

Tammy Baldwin’s answer to virtually every problem our nation faces is more government, less liberty, and the shackling of future generations to a mountain of debt. Leah Vukmir’s record tells us her answers will be less government, more liberty, and lifting the burden of debt from our children. The contrast could not be greater.

The stakes of this race are high and could mean control of the U.S. Senate. Our family is not willing to take a chance. Amy and I support Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senate because she is the verified choice for our family and Wisconsin.

Dave Craig (R-Town of Vernon) is the state senator for the 28th district.

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