For Immediate Release: September 7, 2017


Contact: Devon Coquillard


[email protected]


National Mining Group Supports Responsible Mining in WI

AEMA Executive Director Discusses Responsible Resource Development in WI


Today, Laura Skaer, American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) Executive Director testified in front of the Wisconsin Senate Committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry in support of responsible resource development and the positive impacts of mining for the state and people of Wisconsin providing needed jobs and economic wealth.


“Wisconsin is geologically rich in important critical and strategic metals minerals such as copper, zinc and lead,” said Laura Skaer.“Mining is an important economic contributor to local communities, states and nationally. Nationwide, metal mining has a direct and indirect contribution to gross domestic product of almost $155 billion. Average wages at hard-rock mines across the country are $85,000 plus benefits. These are true generational family wage jobs, especially for rural Wisconsin.”


The Mining Moratorium is unnecessary to protect Wisconsin waters and the environment, and it certainly does not help grow the Wisconsin economy. Wisconsin’s stringent water quality standards and reclamation requirements combined with modern mining technology and practices will protect the environment.


AEMA urges Wisconsin legislators to rescind the Moratorium and allow Northern Wisconsin to benefit from its mineral wealth by passing Senate Bill 395.





The American Exploration & Mining Association is a 122-year old, national association representing the minerals industry with more than 2,000 members across the U.S., Canada, and 10 other nations. AEMA is the recognized national voice for exploration and access to public lands.




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