Governor Scott Walker released his Weekly Radio Address today titled “More Companies Choosing Wisconsin.”

Hi, Scott Walker here.

There’s been a lot of buzz about Foxconn in the news and throughout the state recently – and rightfully so. Foxconn is a transformational opportunity for Wisconsin that will create 13,000 good-paying jobs.

And the benefits of this project will be felt all over the state as Foxconn expects to have as many as 130 suppliers and expects to create 10,000 construction jobs every year for the first four years constructing their manufacturing campus.

But the truth is, Foxconn isn’t the only company choosing Wisconsin. In fact, in the past week, both Generac Power Systems and Dynamic Recycling have decided to expand their operations here in our state.

Generac’s expansion means 400 new jobs in the Waukesha area over the next five years and they plan to invest more than $73 million in building renovations and equipment.

Dynamic Recycling’s $20 million expansion is expected to create 150 new jobs in Onalaska as well.

We’re always happy to welcome new businesses – like Foxconn – from outside the state to establish new operations here. But it’s equally important to us that we support companies that currently call Wisconsin their home, acknowledge their contributions to our economy, and help them as they continue to grow and thrive in our state.

The bottom line is that Wisconsin is thriving. Our pro-business climate is not only attracting new businesses to our state but encouraging them to stay and expand as well.

It’s just one more way we’re working and winning for Wisconsin.

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