Does the statist philosophies of Game of Thrones bother you? Do you understand that the reason Braavos is so wealthy is because it is “the free city of Braavos” and not one of the seven kingdoms? Did you notice that even the Lannisters’ mineral wealth is gone after helping to fund the deficit spending of the Crown?
“Are you telling me the crown is three million in debt?
“Actually it’s twenty trillion.
“How could you let this happen?
“Entitlement spending, bunch of wars, the bullet train to Riverrun didn’t help.”
Yes, it’s time for, “Games of Thrones: Libertarian Edition.”
As HBO’s blockbuster series Game of Thrones returns for its seventh season, Reason offers its own freedom-filled parody. A libertarian paradise north of the wall? What’s happened to Westeros’ social security trust fund? Should it take low-income Dothraki four years to get a hair-braiding license? Watch!
(Warning, not only is it The Game of Thrones, it’s the libertarians. Foul language in use.)