A day after DPI Superintendent Tony Evers, D-Madison, got his numbers wrong about the Foxconn deal in a fundraising email, Evers is at it again asking for money. This time the emailed appeal, dated July 28, is an even more blatant appeal for contributions for an as-yet undeclared gubernatorial campaign.

Scott Walker promised no gimmicks or tricks in his state budgets.

In his 2011 budget address, Walker said, “Through honest budgeting, we are providing an alternative to the reckless tricks and gimmicks of the past.”

That’s another promise he’s not keeping.

Governor Walker’s latest proposal offers only temporary solutions that even his Republican allies say don’t add up.

Republican Senators want to borrow up to $712 million to pay for road repairs. One in every five dollars the state already spends on road funding goes to debt service.

Wisconsinites can’t afford more crushing debt.

Will you add your name to tell Scott Walker it’s time to end tricks and gimmicks in our state budget? >>>

When it comes to funding for priorities like roads, schools and health care, Wisconsin needs leaders like Tony who will provide responsible leadership and refuse to pass the buck to future generations.

The time for Scott Walker’s reckless tricks is over. Wisconsin needs real leadership, not gimmicks.

Will you add your name and help Tony take on Scott Walker? >>>

Thank you for your support.

Team Tony Evers

Evers is blaming Governor Scott Walker for a proposal by state Senate Republicans. He’s completely ignoring the actual latest state budget proposal from Walker which had no additional borrowing for highways except if the federal government came through with more funding. (However, the Foxconn proposal has $250 million in borrowing for I-94, but that’s outside the budget discussion to which Evers is referring.)

It would be nice if the person in charge of public school instruction for the state could keep his facts and figures straight, or at least understood that there are three branches of state government and the Senate is but one half of one branch.

It’s also interesting that Evers has found his voice on budget gimmicks in the Walker era. He was strangely silent when his fellow Democrats under Governor Jim Doyle raided the transportation fund for over $1 billion and then used the transportation fund to borrow money ($1.3 billion in his last budget) to get around the requirement to have a balanced state budget.

Evers probably has amnesia from that period, just as he suffers from amnesia about his earlier praise of Walker’s first budget proposal. “It’s on the right trajectory,” Evers said, adding, “I can be supportive of it, and we’ll advocate for some little tweaks here and there.”

Evers filed his paperwork as a possible candidate for governor on July 21. As his latest fundraising email shows, it looks increasingly likely Evers will be a candidate. If Evers hopes to be a successful candidate, he should learn more about the state government he hopes to lead. And maybe get his head checked.



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