August 8, 2017
Contact: Tom Evenson, (608) 266-2839

Governor Walker Hosts Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction at Wisconsin State Fair

WEST ALLIS – Governor Scott Walker will host the 26th Annual Governor’s Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction this evening at the Wisconsin State Fair. Proceeds from the auction will directly benefit the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, one of the state’s largest youth organizations, through leadership development, programs, and scholarships.

“The Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction not only recognizes our state’s outstanding meat products, it also raises money for the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, which in turn supports our 4-H youth as they pursue their educational and professional goals,” Governor Walker said. “I’m proud to be a part of this event every year as we support our 4-H youth – the future of agriculture, farming, and business in Wisconsin.”

The 26th Annual Governor’s Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction is held in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Fair Meat Products Contest, which is put on by the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors, UW-Extension, and the Wisconsin State Fair. In June, meat processors from throughout Wisconsin competed for champion awards that recognize superior Wisconsin food products. The best of Wisconsin’s Champion specialty meats like ham, bacon, sausage, and other specialty items, will be sold to the highest bidder tonight at the auction.

The 2016 Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction raised $130,000 for the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, beating the 2015 record of $110,000.

Established in the early 1950s, the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation works to develop and promote 4-H programs throughout the state and provide 4-H youth with real-world skills that will prepare them for challenges they’ll face in the future. The 4-H Foundation supports numerous development programs, helps fund attendance at national competitions and conferences, and grants college scholarships to support 4-H youth in continuing their education after high school. Learn more about the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation here.


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