WILL Press Release | House Speaker Paul Ryan Creates Federalism Task Force

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Cameron Sholty | WILL Communications Director
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House Speaker Paul Ryan Creates Federalism Task Force

July 6, 2017 – Milwaukee, WI – Recently Speaker Paul Ryan’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs met for its inaugural hearing.  The bipartisan task force is chaired by Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) and has a stated aim of examining “ways to restore the balance of power between the federal government and states, tribes, and local governments.

Speaker Ryan personally appeared to introduce the task force, noting “federalism does not belong to one party or the other – it is a founding principle that we all cherish.”  He added, “it embodies the genius of genuine self-government, because government works best when it works from the bottom up, when it is accessible and accountable to the people it serves and is responsive to their needs.”

“We are thrilled to see Speaker Ryan create the Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs,” commented WILL Associate Counsel Jake Curtis.  “We completely agree with the Speaker that ‘Washington does not know best, and one size does not fit all.’  States are not mere fields offices of the federal government – they are valuable, and distinct, partners in our federal system.  The Task Force is a great first step in the federal government recognizing the importance of the relationship.”

“WILL established the Center for Competitive Federalism because a proper recalibration of the balance of power between the federal government and state and local units of government is desperately needed,” added WILL President and General Counsel Rick Esenberg.  “WILL stands ready to assist the Task Force as it begins its important work.  Through policy reports, public education, and strategic litigation, we will continue to fight for a return to the Competitive Federalism originally established by the Constitution.”

For additional information regarding the Center for Competitive Federalism, including a full listing of its recent policy reports and model legislation, please visit the CCF website.


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