MADISON – Governor Scott Walker released his Weekly Radio Address today titled “UW-Madison Economist Sees Big Return on Investment in Foxconn Deal.”

Hi, Scott Walker here.

A new report released by a University of Wisconsin -Madison economist this week indicates that Foxconn’s $10 billion investment in Wisconsin is expected to generate up to 39,000 direct and indirect jobs, and that’s a return of nearly four dollars for every one dollar of state investment. Wow, that’s big.

In his own words, Noah Williams, a Ph.D. economist, and director of the Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy said that Foxconn has the potential to generate broad gains that go far beyond the direct job estimates and tax revenue costs. We couldn’t agree more.

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Foxconn is a transformational opportunity for Wisconsin – one that will have a ripple effect reaching every corner of our state.

Suppliers, suppliers and suppliers, are interested in learning more. Earlier this week, I traveled to La Crosse, Eau Claire, and Green Bay for information sessions, and it was great to see everyone’s enthusiasm firsthand.

The economic potential is great. Wisconsin would be home to a high-tech manufacturer – the first of its kind in America.

The ripple effect is that Foxconn’s investment encourages other companies to invest in our state, attracts skilled workers from out of state to relocate here, and encourages our next generation of workers to develop skills necessary in the 21st century workforce.

We’re confident the return on our Foxconn investment is going to have a significant ripple effect throughout Wisconsin that will have a positive impact on Wisconsin families for generations to come.

This is a once-in-a-century opportunity for our state made possible by our reforms, investments in workforce and education, and the hard work of Wisconsin citizens. We are ready for Wisconn Valley.


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