MADISON – Governor Scott Walker released his Weekly Radio Address Thursday titled “Wisconsin’s Workforce Agenda: Men and Women at Work.”

Hi, Governor Scott Walker here.

At the annual Future Wisconsin Summit this week, I announced our new Workforce Agenda: Men and Women at Work, a forward-thinking three-part plan to enhance Wisconsin’s dedicated workforce and ensure it remains strong for years to come.

Part one bolsters worker training and education to provide a solid talent pipeline for the highly-skilled workforce Wisconsin is known for. Our budget invests a historic $11.5 billion into K-12 education to drive student success.

On top of that, we’re strengthening ties between our colleges and the workforce. We’re expanding opportunities in Wisconsin’s Technical Colleges by providing them with the highest level of funding in state history and encouraging them to partner with businesses to fill high demand jobs.

At the same time, we’re increasing our investment in the UW System by nearly $100 million, while at the same time freezing tuition for the sixth year in a row, saving students over $6,300 on average.

Part two removes barriers to work and makes it easier for people to transition from government dependence to true independence through the dignity that comes from work.

We eliminated the child care “benefit cliff” to encourage more people to work, take more hours, and advance into higher wage jobs, and we’re expanding public assistance requirements for able-bodied adults to include at least 80 hours per month of work or employability training.

We’re also improving access to jobs and job training for veterans, for ex-offenders, and for people with disabilities to help them all get off the sidelines and back into the workforce with knowledge and purpose.

Part three attracts and retains talent to Wisconsin. We will work with the legislature to pass legislation developing a comprehensive approach to share Wisconsin’s story with groups like Midwestern millennials, Wisconsin alumni, and veterans transitioning to civilian life so we can help them build our workforce and meet our needs.

A strong workforce means a strong economy, ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

Together, we’re moving Wisconsin forward.

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