MADISON – Governor Scott Walker released his Weekly Radio Address Thursday titled “Wisconsin’s Small Business Agenda.
Hi, Scott Walker here.
Wisconsin was named a top 10 state for businesses by Chief Executive Magazine, but we’re not done yet.
We know that small businesses in Wisconsin represent the heart of our state and the backbone of our economy.
At the annual Governor’s Small Business Summit this week, we unveiled our Small Business Agenda—a four-step plan to support and strengthen Wisconsin’s small businesses.
Step one reduces business costs by lowering property taxes for both homeowners and businesses and streamlining regulations to encourage economic growth.
Step two prepares the workforce, beginning with our historic $11.5 billion investment in K-12 education. We’re also increasing investments in tech colleges and the UW System to ensure Wisconsin maintains the highly skilled, dependable workforce we’re known for.
Step three removes barriers to work, encouraging people to transition from government dependence to true independence. We’re ending the child care “benefits cliff” to make it easier to work more hours and take on better jobs. And we’re expanding opportunities for veterans, people with disabilities, and ex-offenders to find the training they need for good-paying careers.
And step four uses marketing and advertising to attract new talent to Wisconsin to fill our workforce needs, now and in the future.
Check out Walker.WI.Gov for more details on our small business agenda.
We are working and winning for Wisconsin.