P.O. Box 1488
Janesville, WI 53547-1488
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                            August 16, 2017

Statement from Speaker Paul Ryan on Utah’s Special Election
Ryan congratulates John Curtis on his victory

JANESVILLE, WI — Wisconsin 1st District Congressman House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement following John Curtis’ primary victory in Utah’s 3rd Congressional District:

“John Curtis won a tough fought primary; he earned it. I know John will make the hard decisions to get our country back-on-track – to reduce the size of government and reign in out-of-control spending.

“John has spent his life solving problems – in business and in government. He will make a difference for Utah families and I’m proud to support his campaign for Congress.”

Paul Ryan represents Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District. For more information, please visit www.ryanforcongress.com.


Paid for by Ryan for Congress, Inc.
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