As the new editor of RightWisconsin, I find myself overusing the word “excited” lately. Our mission is “Wisconsin politics the Right way,” and RightWisconsin will continue to be the daily “must read” for Wisconsin conservatives. But starting July 1, we’re adding new features to make RightWisconsin a one-stop resource for conservatives across the state. I know you’ll be as excited about the changes as I am.

This is a great time for Wisconsin conservatives. We have a Republican governor, a Republican-controlled legislature and a conservative majority on the state Supreme Court. The state is in good financial shape and our unemployment is down to levels not seen since 1999. Times are good.

There are also challenges ahead. The state budget is still not resolved as Republicans disagree among themselves over how to pay for road construction and education costs. That debate will continue even after a compromise is found. Wisconsin still has a higher income tax bracket than Illinois. Despite being in good fiscal shape, Wisconsin’s budget is larger than ever. Wisconsin still has laws on the books that restrain trade. Our state still has problems with crime, poverty and underperforming schools.

There will be challenges at the election booth as well. Next spring there will be an election for an open seat on the state Supreme Court. There will also be a Republican primary next year in the US Senate race, and the winner will still have a tough time taking on the incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin. If 2014 is an indicator, Governor Scott Walker will have a tough reelection fight regardless of who is the Democratic candidate.

I am proud to take over as editor of RightWisconsin at this important time. If you haven’t yet subscribed to our morning email, do it now so you don’t miss any of the commentary and news reporting that you enjoy at RightWisconsin. You’ll also be the first to see the new RightWisconsin website and it’s new features.

Of course, none of this would be possible without Charlie’s inspiration to create RightWisconsin in the first place. I want to thank Charlie for asking me to serve as assistant editor the last six months, and I am looking forward to the challenge of succeeding him as editor.

Thank you Charlie for all that you have done for Wisconsin conservatives. Your dedication to advancing conservative principles in Wisconsin will continue to inspire RightWisconsin as we continue to build the website for the future. I hope good fortune continues to find you as you move on to other projects.

And to our readers, get ready for the new RightWisconsin. I hope you’re as excited as I am.

– James Wigderson, Editor

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