Note: this editorial was sent to the Daily RightWisconsin newsletter subscribers on Friday.

RightWisconsin generally makes it a policy not to endorse candidates, especially in primaries. However, in the election for state Supreme Court, there is only one conservative candidate on the ballot: Judge Michael Screnock.

Screnock is the only candidate who has stated that he will issue opinions based on the law and the state Constitution, not his personal preference. He has been consistent throughout the campaign on this point, and it’s the only issue that matters in this race.

Madison attorney Tim Burns has said he believes in being an activist judge and has offered his opinion on just about every liberal cause under the sun, including Act 10 and redistricting. He openly sought, and received, the endorsement from the fringe left of the fringe left. He has said he will be a “Progressive” justice on the Supreme Court who will be “a check” on Governor Scott Walker’s agenda.

The other liberal in the race, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Rebecca Dallet. Dallet started the campaign by trying to hide her judicial activism, but as the campaign progressed her true judicial philosophy came out. Dallet believes the U.S. Constitution “evolves” and says she admires U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg the most of any current Supreme Court members.

Dallet has spoken out of both sides of her mouth by claiming on the one hand that Supreme Court Justices should not take political positions, like Burns, but that she will use her “values” in her decision making. She also attacked Screnock for saying he supports “all this rule of law garbage.” Dallet has even attempted to drag President Donald Trump into the race, proving she is just as much of a partisan Democrat as Burns.

(It also shows she understands federalism as well as Burns. Their law schools need to give these two lawyers a refund.)

Dallet sees the Court opening as an affirmative action opening for women even though women already comprise a majority on the state Supreme Court. We can’t decide which is worse: her inability to count when applying quotas or her belief in quotas for men and women serving as judges. Regardless, voters have consistently shown they will elect women Supreme Court members, both conservatives and liberals.

What we don’t need is another liberal on the court, even one who hides her judicial activism until she needs to try to outflank her more liberal opponent. Two liberals, Justice Shirley Abrahamson and Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, already fill that quota by two too many. Both Dallet and Burns would be additions to the liberal minority on the Supreme Court.

Voters have a much better choice on Tuesday than Burns or Dallet. A vote for Judge Michael Screnock is a vote against activist judges. RightWisconsin strongly encourages every person, regardless of ideology, to vote for Screnock this Tuesday.

James Wigderson


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