Who had Andy Gronik in the pool as being the first to drop out? Gronik announced on Twitter and on his website on Thursday that he will be dropping out of the race for governor.

Gronik recently received only four percent support in the last Marquette University Law School Poll, making him tied for sixth place with union boss Mahlon Mitchell.

The once-terminally ill (according to his lawyer) Gronik withdraws without threatening to sue anyone about the health problems they have caused him. At least, not yet.

It’s unknown whether Gronik will revert to his first position on Foxconn when he said it was good for Wisconsin before his gubernatorial ambitions required him to be against the Foxconn deal.

Gronik’s departure from the Democratic primary leaves nine others still contending for the Democratic Party nomination for governor. According to the latest Marquette poll, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers leads the pack with 25 percent support, with the rest at 7 percent or less.

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