AFP-Wisconsin Praises Budget’s State Property Tax Elimination
AUG 25, 2017 BY AFP
Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs Say Tax Will Be Removed from the Budget
MADISON, WI – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin today praised the announcement from Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs Sen. Alberta Darling and Rep. John Nygren that the biennium budget will eliminate Wisconsin’s state-levied property tax.
Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin Deputy State Director Annette Olson made the following statement:
“Eliminating Wisconsin’s burdensome state property tax has been a top priority for AFP-WI’s base of over 130,000 activists all year. For far too long, Wisconsinites have suffered under one of the highest property tax burdens in the nation and we are pleased the new budget will provide the tax relief they deserve and demand. It is important to note this is not a mere temporary reduction in a tax but rather a permanent removal of an entire tax that will create lasting tax relief in the Badger State. We commend Governor Walker, Senator Darling, Representative Nygren, and members of the JFC, for standing up for Wisconsin taxpayers in this budget.”